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Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeOpportunitiesCalls ArchiveAdvisory Board Memeber Recuirtment, St Helens Library Service's Art in Libraries Programme

Advisory Board Memeber Recuirtment, St Helens Library Service’s Art in Libraries Programme

An opportunity to become an Advisory Board Members for the St Helens Library Service’s Arts in Libraries Programme

St Helens Library Service is one of 17 Library Services across England to be awarded National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status by Arts Council England (ACE) and we have been delivering its established and Award-winning Arts in Libraries programme since 2018. For a flavour of the activities and performances we are currently engaged in and have put on since 2018 head, over to our new https://artsinlibraries.sthelens.gov.uk/

Following vacancies arising in our current board, St Helens Library Service is now seeking a small number of Advisory Board members that can bring one or more of the following skillsets:    

  • A marketing and /or audience development specialist, particularly someone with experience of attracting and developing audiences in areas of disadvantage.       
  • A funding specialist or someone who may have knowledge of external fundraising.    
  • Someone with knowledge of environmental issues and how they connect to the arts.
  • A young person who may have an ambition to become a future arts leader or to work in the creative arts and would like the opportunity to learn how an arts organisation operates.
  • Someone who may have knowledge of St Helens and especially someone who has experience of working with, or lived experience of, our specific target audiences – these being, young people, D/deaf and/or disabled people or residents living in areas of disadvantage within St Helens.
  • Someone who may be a Library user and/or understands the possibilities that working in a library can bring.
  • A creative practitioner who may be interested in learning about how an arts organisation operates, in being involved in arts governance and keen to contribute experience from the perspective of a creative practitioner. We are particularly interested in individuals from a performing arts discipline.

We are committed to broadening the diversity of our Advisory Board and although we welcome all applications, the Board is under-represented in relation to the profile of the borough, and we would encourage people from the following areas of protected characteristic groups to consider applying: LGBTQI+/ Age (particularly under 26)/ ethnicity/disability and people with financial /economic barriers. We would particularly welcome applications from people from across these groups to bring a wider perspective to the development of our programme and engagement work.

The board has a strategic, non-executive function and Board membership is voluntary.  Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed if required. The board meets four times per year, usually online and there will be occasional other meetings or activities that we undertake, and our board members will be expected to come along to occasional performances activities within the programme.

Please head to our website to download the full Recruitment Pack – https://artsinlibraries.sthelens.gov.uk/article/11753/Advisory-Board-Members-Wanted

Application Form: (Please note these opens into an online application Form). https://forms.office.com/e/FtSGg3Ax7u

Deadline for applications: Friday 3rd January 2025.