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Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeNewsNews ArchiveCulturepool's Next Event - January 2007

Culturepool’s Next Event – January 2007

Culturepool join Tenantspin for their January event at FACT

Gonzalez Inarritu’s Babel starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett
When two boys fire a rifle at a tourist bus in Morocco, the lives of four groups of people, across three continents collide.

Saturday 20th January 2007
Film starts @ 2:50pm. Meet Luan and Vinny in FACT’s cafe @ 2:30pm to receive your reserved ticket.

FACT Cinema
88 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4DQ.

tenantspin, Liverpool’s High Rise Tenants’ Internet TV Channel
Watch the film with tenantspin, followed by a discussion in the FACT bar. Light refreshments will be provided.

Tickets are FREE to culturepool members.

Call culturepool on 0151 236 0796 to reserve your ticket. Limited number of tickets so please book soon.